Aurora State Airport, Aurora Oregon
Flight Planning Preflight Flight Service NOTAMs/TFRs Flight Plans Towered Airports Seattle ARTCC Check In Current Conditions METARs/TAFs Radar/Satellite AIRMETs/SIGMETs Prognostic Charts Forecast Forecast Discussion Disclaimer Base Ops Maintenance Scheduling
Flight Plans

After you have completed gathering preflight information, you should file a Flight Plan for all but the most routine flights. You can do this either by talking directly to a Flight Specialist (often after completing a weather briefing), or by using the Fast File system at the McMinville AFSS (call 1-800-WX-BRIEF and press 3). Provide the flight specialist or the Fast File recording system the following information in a slow, clearly spoken manner:

  1. Type of flight (VFR / IFR / DVFR)
  2. Aircraft identification
  3. Special equipment code
  4. True airspeed (kts)
  5. Departure point
  6. Departure time (proposed)
  7. Cruising altitude
  8. Route of flight
  9. Destination (airport name and city)
  10. Estimated time en route (hours) (minutes)
  11. Remarks
  12. Fuel on board (hours) (minutes)
  13. Alternate airport(s)
  14. Pilot's name, address, telephone number, aircraft home base
  15. Number aboard
  16. Color of Aircraft
  17. Destination contact/telephone
    (Willamette pilots should list Willamette Aviation, 503-678-2252)

Also mention that you will close your flight plan with McMinnville Flight Service upon arrival, or another AFSS if your destination is an airport outside of Oregon.

To see a full-sized FAA flight plan form, click here.


Special Equipment Code

X - No transponder
T - Transponder with no altitude encoding capability
U - Transponder with altitude encoding capability
D - DME, no transponder
B - DME, transponder with no altitude encoding capability
A - DME, transponder with altitude encoding capability
M - TACAN-only, no transponder
N - TACAN-only, transponder with no altitude encoding capability
P - TACAN-only, transponder with altitude encoding capability
C - RNAV, transponder with no altitude encoding capability
R - Required Navigational Performance. (Denotes capability to operate in RNP designated airspace and routes.)
I - LORAN, VOR/DME, or INS, Transponder with Mode C
W - Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)
G - GPS/GNSS equipped aircraft with en route, terminal, and GPS approach capable
Y - LORAN, VOR/DME, or INS with No Transponder