Willamette Aviation Service, LLC is a Fixed Based Operator (FBO) providing services to the General Aviation community. We are located at the Aurora State Airport in Aurora, Oregon, about 20 miles south of downtown Portland, Oregon.
Our goal is to meet the needs of the General Aviation community and provide exceptional customer service. Founded in 1996, our company offers a variety of services, including FAA-regulated flight training, pilot supplies, aircraft fuel (24-hour self-serve 100LL), aviation maintenance, and aircraft rental.
This website includes information on:
Aircraft rental
Discovery flights
Flight training programs (Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot, Multi-Engine, CFI, & CFII)
Ground school classes
Our Redbird FMX and Flight Lab flight simulators
Our FAA Certified Flight Instructors
Aviation fuel (24-hour self-serve 100LL)
Aircraft maintenance
FAA Medical Certificates
Our monthly e-mail newsletters
Aurora State Airport (UAO)
Our pilot shop
Useful Web links
Contact information and driving directions
Click on over to our Flight Deck to find:
Current weather conditions at Aurora State Airport
Northwest weather observations and forecasts
Preflight checklists
Flight planning resources
In-flight resources
Everyone is also invited to sign up for our free email newsletter. To be added to our list, simply use our handy online form, which you can also use to update your email address in our system or remove yourself from the list. All removal requests will be honored, and we will never share your email or use it for anything other than the newsletter. That's a promise.
Please contact us if you have any questions by calling (503) 678-2252, or e-mail info@willametteair.com. If you're in the area, feel free to drop by.
David F. Waggoner
Willamette Aviation Service, LLC